Friday, August 12, 2011

No internet for me

Im without the thing I love most in my life. The internet. Writing this post from my phone, be strong.

I will come back for you.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Days until Con : 22

I have to admit something to you, because I feel like we've got a good thing going here and I don't want to ruin our friendship, I ate pizza. Yeah. So I understand if you want to see other bloggers, or if you think we're just not right for each other.

I mean I did just post about this health revolution, then I stuffed my face with pepperoni and canadian bacon pizza for lunch.

But that's fine, I'll bring it when I work out, and I'll stand taller tomorrow (metaphorically). Pizza is the ultimate sin food for me, it's so bad for me yet oh so good. Like it just screams at me in this cute little voice "but but haames!" and i'm all like "screw you pizza, you're no good for me. we've done this before and it just won't work out for me."

Then pizza gets all angry and ghetto.

Then I have to eat it.

Then I get fat.

The end.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Welcome Back Stiver

Days until Con : 23

Enough! I'm tired of not being able to post as frequently and I'm taking a stand. For the next 23 days I will keep this thing updated because I made a solem vow, to myself, and though the promises I attempt to keep to myself don't always pan out this will sure as hell will.

Besides, I just got an email from someone who was inspired by what I'm doing and things like that deeply touch me. Because I have become passionate about helping people taking care of themselves and helping them get into a position where they look and feel wonderful, a place I've recently just arrived at.

The feedback from my latest experiences out in the wild have been nothing short of emotionally awesome. So it's back to posting every day, back to the super awesome exercising (did some stupid awesome exercising for the last two days) and just doing everything that feels right and good in the world.

Since it's been a minute let me fill you in.

I've been taking my new found health, opening the doors and taking it for a test spin, not being a whore or anything like that, but you know going out there and being seen. Also testing my willpower against that bitter struggle against the super tasty bad for you foods.

And winning, because I own face like that.

You cannot believe how addictive it is to see people you haven't hung around in awhile and they say "wow" or "you got skinny". Yes, I can see how this can transform guys into d-bags, but I remain firm on being a nice guy who made a healthy choice in his life. Also, the temptations of eating unhealthy simply aren't there.

It's like quitting smoking though. (Which I've also struggled on)

There's always the yearn, that flamilar comfort and nostalgia of great food or a good smoke, but overall it's just not worth it. I shared a red velvet cake with three people, and that was okay. That use to be unheard of. I drink water with every meal now, WATER, I barely knew what that was last year other than it's a component necessary in coffee making.

I eat better foods while others around me gorge on the stuff I use to believe to be righteous and necessary. Did I just compare delicious food to religion? How far off am I really? Anyways, like cigarettes, there's this place you go to when you remember the moments fondly but accept the entire experience as negative. I do sometimes enjoy and indulge without shame yet I don't let it become habit. In one of the many health related postcast I listened to it was said that losing weight is simply exercising, eating right, and making it your lifestyle for at least 60 percent of the time.

I believe it.

Through my journey I've definitely indulged and got off track, but never so much that I couldn't get back on. Had I completely surrendered my entire diet or body to a restrictive plan I think I would've failed this entire thing. But I've lost a total of 51 pounds, and while that's not as much as some of the other weight lost stories, it's been a world of difference to me.

Now I have 23 days to finish the job. Roughly 10 pounds to lose, which use to seem like such a daunting task, now it's merely a fly I shoo away. Then I'll enter Dragon Con a man of 190 pounds, something that hasn't been seen since high school.  Long term I should be settled in at 175, which about 5 months ago seemed like an impossible dream but I now realize it's something I'll have accomplished by Christmas.

Happiness with myself and life, a gift I seemed to have opened early, because I deserve it.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

On the Move.

Days until Con : 29

I'm moving soon and couldn't be more excited. Okay, I could be more excited, like if a red velvet companion cube were promised as a first night welcome home gift. I'll be living by myself, no roommates and no significant others, it'll be a joy.

Things seem to be piecing themselves together nicely for me, which is a welcome relief. Not that things were terrible before, for awhile they were just kind of "eh". Moving is excitement, something new, something that lets me plan and strategize.

I'm convinced I can have a extremely well put together place without it having reek of bachelor. This time I make all the decor decisions, nobody else can stop me, no matter how obscene or seemingly tacky my choices may become.

Ikea shall know thy name, for it is Stiver of Sandy Springs.

As a major side note. Almost to Con! I'm on track to meeting my goal and maybe, just maybe, I'll be touched inappropriately by a zombie. One can only dream.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Traveler, The Tourist - Fate Vs Science (Lyrics included)

Yup. Another TTTT song done. There's lots of fun stuff happening around us musically right now and most of it with songs you have heard yet. Beau (akat - g) is almost done with the drums portion of our planned album leaving me with a pile of work to complete and turn back in for processing. Once all the songs are complete we'll likely be turning the sound cloud songs into samples and peddling our wares over at Itunes. This is to raise funds so Beau can get the full version of fruity loops.

I'm excited.

Wanted to also mention that as we're releasing songs you may notice a romantic overtone to them lyrically. The Traveler, The Tourist works best when we get a theme going and build everything around that theme. This does of course mean that if you're someone I've dated in the past then it's likely these songs are all about you. Okay not all of them, a few are about women I haven't dated.

Fate vs Science by TheTravelerTheTourist

Fate Vs. Science

My world spun right before I walked into that bar

You and that dress are a tag team 
Refusing to exist by conventional means. I've seen this maneuver before. 
But none as impressive and I'm wanting more.

The truth of the matter is I'm mad like a scientist, no not crazy, just motivated. 

Is this fate knocking at my door? 
Well he better stop knocking before I knock em to the floor.  
I found you first so all he's tasting is dirt and rejection.

(Because I saw you first)

Another knowing glance and I'll be forced to advance
I'll light my cigarette and enter a trance.  
But you're too good for theatrics, 
I'll have to work off on the momentum of our natural reactions

Is this fate knocking at my door? 
Well he better stop knocking before I knock em to the floor.

I won't walk away, back away, or anything thats in a backwards state.
And besides I don't read signs
I'd rather we find that our groove is science
So what do you say we leave this place, and begin our flight through time and space.

Is this fate knocking at my door? 
Well he better stop knocking before I knock em to the floor.

Since emotions betray when fates at play I'd rather he just walk the other way.

In the Wild

Days until Con : 31

It has certainly been a wild ride in the last few weeks. I'm not use to, you know, the outside world and yet it has repeatedly knocked on my door and I answered more times I'm use to. While it was fun to get out there I'm happy to pull back a little and focus my efforts. This site needs to be updated more and I have a Con encroaching with a goal I'm on track to hit.

This (technically yesterday) morning marks the first time, in well over a decade, that I've weighed in under 200 lbs. It was extremely emotional for me and I would've cried had I not been visiting over at a friend's place and secretly using their scale. When I was able to get home and hidden safely under the blanket of privacy I forgot to cry and instead took a nap, and right now I think the crying moment has past but we'll see.

It's still very emotional. I swear.

I went to the beer olympics in Smyrna on Saturday and no, I didn't compete, but I did have one of those beautiful moments I'd been waiting a very long time for. I'd met up with a large group of friends who hadn't seen me in years and the reactions I got about my weight loss were extremely badass. Keep in mind that these are individuals whom one might be inclined to consider a little 'rough around the edges'. They're friends who pride themselves in the brutal truth, perhaps it should be called bludgeoning, and they tell it to the point that it often hurts literally. So the moment will forever be remembered.

I say that because I took pictures.

Also I made them sign statements.

Okay fine, that's a lie. They didn't have to sign anything.

One month left, and I have 9 pounds to lose in order to reach my goal for D*Con. I can smell victory coming and it smells of delicious rockin mixed with chocolate awesome.

Mwahahhahahahaha!!! [lighting strikes in the background followed by harsh orchestra strings]