Bad-ass anti-heroes are my Achilles heel. Ever since Big Trouble in Little China and Die Hard, I've been hooked on one liners and five-o-clock shadows, the never ending ammo clips and the always getting the girl even though it "probably wont work out for a guy like me" romance scenes.
I also blame Alien(s), and Sigourney Weaver, because ever since then I know that above all else there are two things universally true in the world. Space marine, with pulse rifles, are awesome and ladies, operating mech suits, are hot.
Alien 3 and parts Alien Resurrection are not, and I put this as respectfully as possible, dead to me.
There's just something about kicking down a door, shooting dudes and throwing them through a window, asking questions after the fact, then telling your boss "this is personal" while throwing your badge at them, that has an everlasting appeal to me. Perhaps it's the barbaric and raw man about the whole thing, and a yearn to be just that macho without fear of consequence. Those who know me, know that I'm macho in context, but not content. If given the chance, I'd much rather mount on the wall a blaster rifle mock up then own an actual handgun know...fires actual bullets. I'd love nothing more than to hide a shotgun in my trenchcoat and whip it out (insert penis joke) in a dark alley deploying a spray of justice to undead foes. But that kind of thing is creepy and might get you locked away, depending on where you aim it (dispense second penis joke, that makes it DP)
I'm terrified of shooting myself, accidentally, and having to lie to people in the afterlife about the matter.
For as long as I can remember action movies were my favorite thing and writing or DMing an action plot just comes natural. It's a personal goal of mine to work outside this comfort zone, to push aside the yearn for explosions and chase scenes, and use them sparingly for my future projects. We will see how that works out.
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