Monday, January 17, 2011

Gun Monkeys

There was snow, lots of it, in Atlanta and it caused me to become a different person for awhile. There's a odd wrinkle in how you spend your time when time is all you have, and being forced to work from home and not being able to leave occasionally and know...people puts a strain on my creativity. Before the icestorm I was on vacation, and before that...I don't even remember before that. Seems like it  was the perfect opportunity to write, and I did write, just not on this blog.

More after the break.

But life is returning to normal, and perhaps when the last of the ice melts I'll actually post episode 1 of Space Mage. I think you'll like it, just as long as your interested in space mages, and laser beams.

I haven't posted it yet mainly because I need to work up a buffer of episodes in order to ensure things come out in dependable fashion and for this reason I'd like to say that things will start coming out in February.

I've started reading Gun Monkeys, and it's absolutely amazing. Written by Victor Gishler, who also did Go Go Girls of the Apocalypse (which happens to be one of my favorite adventure books of all time), has a style that is simple yet bold and altogether addictive. He's one of the few writers that doesn't get caught up in an abundance of metaphors or details, he casually explains the scene and lets you pick up the rest with your imagination. Something which I've often struggled with, and he has a habit of exporting picture perfect action movie moments where it makes sense in the novel format.

I recommend checking out Victor's work, it's impressive stuff.

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