I have been largely absent from the internet space as of the last two or three weeks, but do not count me as dead or gone. With this blog, I try to keep my personal life from filtering into what I post because that's just not how I want things to go. I post about the thing on my mind, but they're never too personal and mostly geek in nature. The last three weeks have been a roller coaster of things which have prevented me from logging in, and doing what I love, which is talking geek. On a scale, they wouldn't rate too incredibly high when it comes to personal disaster, especially if you're using Japan as a gauge.
So this will be the only post for awhile that I speak about my personal life...
1. My girlfriend and I broke up. It wasn't messy, or anger filled, there wasn't shouting or buckets of sobs. We simply lost that spark that makes a relationship tick, and parted ways.
2. Because of 1, I moved back in with my mother until I decide where to go from here. I painted the basement chocoloate, and got chocolate furniture, and for right now I'm living in "the cholocate room". It's creepy when read out loud, but trust me, it's a place of wonderment.
3. My job has decided not to promote me into the position I've been going to school for the past year (vb.net programming). In three months I'll complete my college classes, and then have to decide if I want to go back for something different, or find a different job. I have options, apparently, and whether I truely believe their whirlwind of corporate jargen it makes no difference. I work the helpdesk, and will likely work the helpdesk for quite some time longer if I stay with my current company, or move on somewhere else. My options are largely the same with new coats of paint.
4. My drive is now an hour, sometimes an hour and half to and from work, and because of my school schedule I'm working 4, 10 hour days. In which I get home in just enough time to sleep. So time is something I've had to do without, hence the latency in posting. The other 3 days of the week, for the last three weeks have been consumed by moving, painting the basement, laundry, and generally things I haven't really wanted to do.
All things considered I'm not too bad off. In fact compared to a lot of my friends I'm doing damn good. Which is kind of my point, I'm having trouble talking out the things that bother me since objectively my problems aren't really that terrible.
Next time I post, it will be about laser beams and explosions, maybe even something about video games.
You've had a lot going on, and even if your problems aren't objectively terrible, they still suck. It's okay to talk about them from time to time. However, I will look forward to the post about laser beams and explosions, if for no other reason than it will mean things have settled down some for you.