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07/03/2011 |
Oooooh yeeeeah! (Macho Man died for our slims, so that's my tribute)
I've been ridding on the back of sweet success for quite a few weeks in a row, complete with lasso and cowboy hat, and this week is no exception. Though I wonder if metaphorically riding anything for longer than a week straight will cause shafing? I'll figure it out and get back to you.
Anyways, I've officially broken into 209!
This is the thinest I've been in a very, very, long time, and I'm extremely happy that this isn't where I'm stopping. This makes 9 more pounds until my original goal weight for con, and honestly I think I can get to 185 in 60 days. If you remember, last week I changed my goal weight to 190, because I wasn't trending 180, and I'd rather not do anything extreme to get there. The idea was to create a healthy lifestyle, not binge on a crash diet for half a year, because I'd rather not gain this stupid weight back as soon as D*Con is over.
In other news, you remember my original plans for this site? I was going to post my writing projects, generate some readership, then eventually attempt to get a book out there. All awhile figuring out a way to syphon your money directly into my account. Well I'm happy to announce that soon, within the week, I'll start a new section on this page to house my non-fiction work. Remember that extremely over the top Scifi/Fantasy nior action mixer I talked about like three months ago? Space Mage? Well I've completed Episode 1! My plans are to release 1 episode every month for a year and call it a season. Each season I will release as a novella, possibly, or eventually combine them all into an epic. Should be fun eh?
If you're an artist, please draw me free art I can attach to Space Mage. Your motivation is simple, it's a hot lady mage, who has a spaceship, lots of lasers and explosions, the end. This will be published, you know, out there in the world, so it could be good for your budding photoshop career. Otherwise I have to draw it, and if you haven't checked out my James Art posts, then you should, and then sit in absolute wonderment as to what I could possibly cook up.
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