Days until con : 128
Goal Weight for Dragon Con 2011 : 200
Current Weight (recorded every morning) : 231.6
Work Out: treadmill (30 minutes), strength training (20 minutes)
Foods devoured today:
Banana : 100 calories
Pop Secret Popcorn : 100 Calories
Cheap tiny Salad : 280 Calories
Cheese Crackers : 190 Calories
Quick Trip 3 meat sub : 480 calories
2 slim fast snacks : 200 Calories combined
medium bag of strawberries and carrots : - ? Calories
Total: 1350 calories
I decided to tough out the stomach thing, and this morning I felt fine, like nothing ever happened which is an odd sensation. It's like when your significant other throws a tantrum in the kitchen and smashes your fingers inside a blistering hot George Foreman grill. And while your fingernails sizzle and pop, in perfect harmony with the chicken grease, she explains with wild passion how her last boyfriend could not only aim his pee IN the toilet but also perform Skid Row covers with absolute confidence while doing so. Then, the next morning, kiss you on the cheek and ask if you'd like to get some IHOP.
There's a reason I'm single. Take that in any direction you wish run.
I read in several places that keeping a daily journal of your food intake is actually the number 1 way to lose weight, and I think there's definitely something to that. Especially for power gamers, and the number 1 rule of power gaming is to legitimately beat the score. Whatever the score may be, and in whatever shape that score may take. Now that I see what I'm eating every day, I know I can power game the foods so that I can win. It's like managing money, which is infinitely harder if you have no idea what your bank account is, how much money your debiting, interest rates, checking fees.... You get the point. All I'm saying is, it's day 4 and I'm seeing progress with the journal. I have to jot down what I ate, and I'm deducting calories as I do so, to a point that now the math has become routine. I start getting some of the same foods because it's easier math AND I know for a fact I can power game the day with my choice.
I'm also pretty sure that Adam and Donnie stole my mojo. There's a theory I'm working on that I'll expand on in Episode 2 of Hot for Con, but for now let me just outline the basics.
I don't got it.
Adam and Donnie has it.
They syphoned my mojo with the voodoo help of Two Moon Panther.
Everyone is against me.
Except my mom's cat, Atticus, the Bad Caticus
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