Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 1 : Stiver is Hot for Con

This will be the first in many logs of my physical and emotional transformation both to Dragon Con and beyond. I've decided to keep this log because I realize if I'm not faced with evidence of how I'm exercising, eating, or feeling then it's easy to forget the accomplishments and, much worse, even easier to turn a blind eye to error. I've read numerous articles of all variety on weight loss, happiness, and health and I'm going to attempt to combine this knowledge and experience to form something specific for me. 

I'm not just looking to lose weight, I'm looking to be happy and fulfilled. In changing the toxic habits in my life I rain in a new era, where my daily routines are better for me and emotionally I'm easier to be around others and, most importantly, myself. This will not be a fad diet, or some heath nazi year long brain wash, or some armchair psychology major's thesis on positive thinking, this is just me searching for a better way to live. 

Also, I hate hospitals and avoid them with ever fiber of my being. 

I really started this loosely about a month and a half ago, but as I have not tracked those statistics today will mark the first official day of Hot for Con. I'll be tracking info here, and I'm not ashamed of posting my weight, or what I'm eating, as in the end I'll So what does it matter? Besides, maybe you have advice, maybe you notice a reason for an increase or decrease in weight, maybe...just maybe I'll get to that zen like state where I'll actually listen to others and make informed decisions. 

Baby steps...

I'll be having a lot of fun with this. I've already gone through a whole range of emotions in my fight for Hot, and I'll be sharing them. Maybe this will inspire you to hop on a treadmill, or finish that project you've been meaning to do, or whatever.  

Here's some things I've already worked on, and some rules of engagement until Dragon Con.

* I've quit smoking. Though I do falter, like anyone else, I find I'm falling off the wagon much less. I'm quitting for me, and at my own pace. In future logs I'll talk about this battle, and how I've gone about quitting and perhaps these methods will help you. 

* I've adapted the eat less : more often, stance on meals. Trust me, in the last year I tried a whole lot of things, and controlling your caloric intake by eating less portions but eating them continually throughout the day has netted the most beneficial weight-loss.

* I'm counting calories, and I've put a heavy importance on it. This isn't to say I truly believe the forumla  involved with calories are the answer, but because it forces me to think first before choosing my meals. It goes a long way, and I'd say this has helped with 80 percent of my current success.  

Currently here is the calorie plan that works for me:
1400 a day if not exercising
1700 a day if exercising

All my research shows the human body generally needs about a 1000 to 1200 calories, and even though my goal is 1400 a day I'll generally spend my time on or near 1500 to 1600.  By the end of the week it generally evens out. I'm also taking daily vitamins to make sure my body doesn't suffer if I'm choosing the wrong foods for a particular week. 

* I exercise at least 5 days a week at one hour each day. This is the ancor that keeps it all together, my routines, depending on cardio or strength training, will net about a 500 to 800 calorie loss per session. I'll go over the hour mark if I've had a particularly large lunch or know I'm going into a heavy dinner. Whatever it takes to stay around my daily calorie intake. 

Current Schedule:
Mondays: Climb Stone Mountain 
with the famous Adam Jones
Tuesdays: Crunches, Push Ups, outside walk, various exercises not depended on machines
Wednesday: Gym (treadmill, and strength training)
Thursday: Tennis with the famous Adam Jones
Friday: Gym (treadmill, and strength training)

* I'm taking advice and criticisms better, and learning to dish it and not be afraid of confrontation. This is hard to track, but I promise it's there. In the past I would believe I'm best person equipped to make all decisions on my artistic, social, and professional life, and now I've gotten a little wiser. Others have been through heartache and are willing to provide me the knowledge to avoid it myself, I should return the favor by listening and applying if necessary. In the same regard I have learned quite a few things, and should be more willing to share when I feel it's appropriate.   

Future posts will not be so drawn out, but you likely needed a frame of reference. 

Here's a picture of me at the Adam Jones panel at Dragon Con in 2010 so that you have a visual starting point.

Dragon Con 2010 - I'm the only person with a penis who isn't wearing a tie.
Taken at Beau's going away party. Weight unknown but close to Dragon Con. 

Each day I will post a picture of myself, and it should be interesting to go back and look from beginning to end. 

As for todays log...

Days until con : 131
Weight at Dragon Con 2010 : 245 - 250 ish
Goal Weight for Dragon Con 2011 : 200

Current Weight (recorded every morning) : 233
Work Out: Hour walk around neighborhood, followed by 25 lb dumbbell curls (4 sets of 50 reps each arm) 

Foods devoured today:
1 Banana 
2 small bags of Sunchips (cheese flavored) : 300 calories combined
1 weird ass chicken tortilla soup (O'Charley's) : 290 calories
1 side of rice (O'Charely's) : 190 Calories
1 cedar planked tilapia (O'Chareley's) : 280 calories
3 stupid tasty rolls (O'Charely's) : 390 calories combined
1 left over half a turkey sandwich (Midtown Corner Tavern) : best guess, 600 calories

Total: 2050

I have 131 days until my goal, and while overall there is progress, I've found that when it comes to the weekend I struggle with some of the basics. Friday, Saturday, and Sundays my healthy eating bends and my work out is noticeably relaxed. My weekdays are solid with little room for improvement, so why are the weekends so hard?

The answer is fairly typical including self control, stress, habit and boredom. Most of the time the weekends find me in a restaurant, for one reason or another, and without hesitation I order the same foods I'd always ordered in the past. I feel like a alcoholic proud of his 4 days without a drink and celebrates with a few shots of jager. It's hard to focus once Friday hits, it's like a learned reaction, something I adopted In my teens. The weekend is freedom where I introduce a little chaos in my life or suffer the consequences of an unhappy existence. Those are broad strokes, and there's no excuse to gorge. Especially with all the progress I've already made.

For the next two weeks I'll be focusing on kicking my weekend bad habits. Not sure the best way to do this yet, but I'll figure something out.

I mention this because for the last two fridays I was on the verge of breaking out of the 230 mark and into the 220s. But because of birthday and general celebrations, my body reacted weirdly by gaining back between 5 and 7 pounds over the course of 3 to 4 days. Then I spend the rest of the week playing catch up. This being Sunday I'm definitely in a better spot to break through through to the 220s this week. 

As a sign of positive gain, Saturday I was forced (I swear I had no choice) into eating out at an artsy bar called Midtown Corner Tavern. I ordered a small soup, and a Turkey Sandwich, and for the first time in my overweight career I didn't polish off the entire plate. I had food left over, half the sandwich, which I put in a To Go box and will eat tonight for dinner. This is huge, as I've trained myself in the past to polish the plate, because wasting is no good and later because I just was never full.

Also, today I don't normally work out, but considering my Easter Dinner at O'Charley's, I've decided it's in my best interest.

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