Saturday, June 11, 2011

In the Belly of the Beast.

Days until Con : 81

I grabbed the beast by one of its snouts and attached a muzzle, it wailed and whined with inhuman pitch as I lassoed a leach around its' middle head and took it for a walk. Healthy is the three headed cerberus, one I feel today I've gotten tamed and under control. Will it always be this way? That's tough to say, there will be nights, I'm sure, where in a moment of weakness friends or a pretty lady will force me into eating Pig-N-Chik's Redneck Nachos. But for the most part, I got this shit down.

Today I joined a gym, a mainstream one, and I have to say that I'm really happy about it. I took it for a test spin, I wooshed on a elliptical which sat high on the second floor overlooking the muscle arena. I opted for a big well known gym because the customer service was as to be expected, non-existant, which is just the thing I wanted. I'd looked at some smaller gyms and the staff there were awfully touchy and hands on, which unsettles me. Working out is my meditation time, when I least need someone interrupting me, it's when I push myself into the great beyond and return only once I'm covered with a sparkling thin layer of my success.

Which sounds dirty, and I'm okay with that.

I've been giving it a lot of thought, and I believe I'll be starting a new diet. A friend of mine, a baddass named Ben,  recommended The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet and to be honest it's a diet plan I was already wanting to follow. Just didn't know there was an actual name to it. Starting Monday I'll be doing the Paleo diet, and I figure I'd give it a shot until the end of Hot for Con. This last week I've already been doing most of it and my general health has felt outright awesome. I'll keep you informed, and I'm going to buy the book AND read it. Thanks Ben!

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