Saturday, May 28, 2011

Kung Fu Panda and A Lee Martinez

Days until con : 97

Today I saw Kung Fu Panda 2, and I'm not ashamed to say I enjoyed it thoroughly. Life has a funny way of working out,  because about the only other grown man I know who was extremely excited about KP 2 was A Lee Martinez, whose new book was released today. I'd forgotten until I strolled into the Borders straight after the movie and found it (Chasing the Moon) gracing the bookshelves. It stood out like a beacon of hope, it wrapped its arms around me and whispered sweet nothings all the way to the checkout counter.  A. Lee is my favoriate author, and this book so far has not disappointed.

I know, because I immediately went to waffle house and read 7 chapters (after I quickly finished Retromancer).

I haven't really talked about about my weight loss and generally hot for con quest'in'ing in a minute, and that's because I'd hit something of a brick wall. As of this morning, I smashed through that brick wall and  huffed my fingernails while walking cooling through, pausing slowly for dramatic effect and saying something clever before putting on some shades.

That's right, 226 is way of the dodo and I stand before you (metaphorically, you'd call the cops if were literal) a man closing in on 220ish. There's nothing quite like the smell of victory in the morning, unless of course you count the smell of burning incense AND victory. Whatever the smell, it is sweet and one day I'd like to bathe in it. Though I'm sure that kind of imagery will both scar and scare you, a cruel combination indeed.

The good news it they make oils for those kind of things so eventually it will heal. You'll smell bit like a burnt hershey bar afterwards but that's half the fun.

I'm struggling with the reality that I cannot work out everyday and I now work out every other day in order to ensure my well being until I can afford some time to see a doctor. I'm hoping there is a magical pill that will make it all go away and I can get back to working out 6 days a week just in time for Con (and beyond). We'll see what the voodoo doctors say.

As for my general health, I'm feeling better than I've felt in years. It's a tough road trying to diet better, and I still find myself eating out more than I should. But I'm making better food decisions, and slowly I've gotten into the mindset of not wanting the really bad foods. I can safely say I'd rather eat salmon with rice then a full order of ribs and mashed potatoes. It has been 3 months since my last Zaxby's episode, and I have yet to be tempted by Pig N Chik's redneck nachos. This is progress, with a capital B (for baddass).

It was a rough the last few weeks, as I felt a trickle of doubt run down my forehead. I noticed a steep decline in readership, and support has been less than stellar as my Hot for Con questing has become old hat with a few of my friends. Regardless, I've shaken doubt aside and figuring out ways to stay motivated in spite everything.

Tomorrow I'll announce the first person to join in the Hot for Con quest officially. I encourage anyone who wants in to let me know. Or else I will not buy you a drink, and you will not get a "Wrath of Con" shirt.

Did I mention I'd like to have shirts made? Yeah, I would. And if you don't join, you won't get one. So there. Hows that for motivation through bribery?

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