Weight at Dragon Con 2010 : 250
Goal Weight for Dragon Con 2011 : 180
Goal Weight for Dragon Con 2011 : 180
Current Weight (recorded every morning) : 225.0 (Bam!)
Current BMI : 33..2
Work Out: 2 mile walk
Foods devoured today:
Moe's burrito (stats compiled from their website) : 896 calories
Pop Secret popcorn : 100
2 Oranges : 90 (as per calorie king)
Total: 1086 calories
I like P90x, I really do, but it's just not going to work with my schedule. If health was my job it would be doable, and wouldn't that be great? To get paid to lose weight...that's be - I won't get my hopes up. Anyways, it's not fun and it definitely has scheduling conflicts with my other fitness obligations. Also I'm have strange lower back problems which prevent me from doing a good number of the ab and yoga routines.
So I'm adjusting the fitness side of my hot for con surge. I'm going to see a doctor about my back, and while I'm there get a honest to god physical, because it's about time I understand my body a little better.
I've bumped into and have gotten emails from a few people who said that my journey so far has inspired them. This is badass. The feeling that I'm helping people become healthier is extremely satisfying. So much so that it's beginning to change some of my views on life and social agenda. Maybe one day I'll be fitness trainer or write a book on the subject. Who knows. The point is I think it's badass that I'm getting in shape, and I think it's even more badass if you want to join in.
So here's the deal. If you have a blog or vlog and want to join me in my Hot for Con parade of awesome then email me or leave a comment with links. It isn't just me who can be Hot for Con, it can be whoever wants to be hot, you know, for Dragon Con. This week I'll be working on redesigning this site, with new art (James Art) and with a "hot for con challenge" section. Celebrating not just my achievements but yours as well.
Perhaps you're too shy for this but let me just argue one important thing. The moment you declare it, and post what you're doing regularly to an audience, the amount of motivation you receive from not wanting to let anyone down is tremendous. (Even if you're audience is just 4 dudes and a stalker, like me) Not only that but the number 1 weight-loss tip I've seen from pouring through countless weight-loss guides and talking with professionals (okay okay, I have one ex who use to be a weight-loss professional, but it still counts!), is to document your food intake. It works. I had no idea how much I was eating daily until I presented it to myself.
So hit me up and lets start some kind of movement based on good health and vainness. Once Dragon Con 2011 rolls around we'll have a meet up and bask in the glory of our hot rockin selves. We'll talk about role playing games (tabletop or video- which sounds dirty...) and anime. Have a few drinks. Say something awkward, have a long pause, then go our separate ways. It'll be a blast.
I haven't had a idea this good since the Awkward Party, in which Beau and I were going to invite all our ex's to one place and hope they all get very drunk. Unlike the awkward party, this one I'll actually follow through with.
Here are the rules to the Hot for Con Challenge. (Adding the word Challenge seems to change the whole dynamic for some people. So I'm adding it now. Done. In the bag.)
1. Declare your physical goal. This is usually a weight, but could be something else. Maybe you're already toting around a bangin body, but you want ripped abs or something. You can still be apart of Hot for Con, just as long as it's somewhat documentable and makes sense.
2. You must post frequently, at least weekly. Pictures are optional yet recommended. Nothing makes you face your issues like posting pics of your fatass to the internet.
3. You must own a vlog or blog. Something that I can link to and comment on. Cause I'll be your coach, partner, and fellow geek through all this. Not just me, but other people who may want to offer you support and curious dirty pix. Who wouldn't want that?
What is the reward for meeting your goal?
1. I buy you a drink.
2. You're fucking hot now.
3. Your friends are now jealous.
Hope to hear from you, and good luck with your health no matter if you accept the challenge or not.
Thanks for following me! One of my friends goes to dragon con every year.